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Oktoberfest and Liquor Liability Insurance

Oktoberfest is a time to raise your stein and dance a polka, so who really wants to be the wet blanket bringing up liability concerns? No one. Unfortunately, some people use Oktoberfest as an opportunity to overindulge, placing themselves and others at risk. Oktoberfest Origins Blame it on (or thank) Bavaria. Oktoberfest began there in […]

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How to Find and Hire Great Producers

We’re not talking about movie moguls of course. The “great producers” referred to here are those who make the sales, bring in new business and keep clients satisfied in agencies across the country. According to Property Casualty 360, firms recruiting the best-producing prospects must heed several important factors. Otherwise, firms risk falling into the pit of […]

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Challenges of National Healthcare Reform

The Affordable Care Act, the driver behind a massive National Health care overhaul got off to a rocky start in 2013 during the first Open Enrollment Period, that much we know. The question is, what will the future of Obamacare bring as more open enrollment periods come along and health insurance exchanges become flooded with […]

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